Schedule Bussed Out

Hey all you Queerposium fans here’s the schedule for Saturday:

9:30-10:00am — Gathering at Centennial Square at the fountain and last minute ticket sales. You’ll recognize us cause we’ll be wearing our favouritest, queerest outfits – and we hope you will too!!

10:00-10:30am — Travel Time — Opening of Bussed Out!?#% the very first Queerposium with Metta our Queerposium Good Fairy!!! Yay!!

10:30-10:50am — Orientation to Camosun Pride with Daphne Shaed, Pride Director of the Camosun Student Society @ Camosun Lansdowne Campus (Temporary Parking Lot off Foul Bay Road)

10:50-11:10am — Travel Time with Metta

11:10-11:40am — Queering the Transman with Tryce BLion @ UVic Campus, Rm C 116 Strong Building

11:50-12:10pm — Travel Time — “Str8 acting…” with Tyler Morden and Victor Huynh on the bus

12:10-12:30pm — “Str8 acting…” Tyler Morden and Victor Huynh Cont’d @ Fan Tan Alley (between Fisgard and Pandora St.)

12:30-12:45pm — Travel Time with Metta

12:45-1:00pm — Orientation to AVI with Robert Birch @ AVI 713 Johnson Street 3rd Floor

1:00-1:45pm — Lunch and the Video Booth @ AVI 713 Johnson Street 3rd Floor

1:45-2:00pm — Travel Time with Metta

2:00pm-2:15pm — Orientation to SPARC, (Sex Positive Art and Resource Centre) with Dr. Captain Snowdon

2:15-2:20pm — Travel Time with

2:20-2:30pm — Dance Break @ Beaconhill Park at Cook St. and Dallas Road

2:30-3:00pm — Guided Winter Wonderland Walk with Diana Kuch @ Beaconhill Park

3:00-3:30pm — Sexual Outlaws and Rent-a-Gays with Robert Birch @ Beaconhill Park

3:30-4:00pm — Travel Time — Closing Circle with Creating Connections on the bus

4pm — Bus returns to AVI and drops everyone off at 713 Johnson St.

Thanks for an amazing Day!!!

2 thoughts on “Schedule Bussed Out

  1. Pingback: Schedule is up | queerposium

  2. This web site looks great! Thanks for pulling it all together – looks like it’s going to be a fantastic day!

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