Queerposium 2013 May 18th

The Queerposium experience is underway. We’ve met a couple of times and know a bit more about what is going to happen on the day. But more importantly we’re engaged in the ongoing discussion about what we want to see happen, how we want to function as a group, and how we go about making sure that everyone feels recognized and welcome at our meetings and at our events. It’s a learning curve for all of us in our own different ways and I think we’re all up for it and happy for the experience to learn about each other and our collective needs/wants/goals/ways of working. There’s still room for your input. If you were hesitant before but still want to join us please do. We’re a pretty friendly group and we’re always open to new ideas. In fact, that’s what makes us tick. Our meeting times will be posted on the website, or you can email us for an update.
And we’ve just started our facebook group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/309908162470160/ for now it’s an open group.
So far we’ve decided to go on a big bike ride and don’t worry, we’re trying to come up with some fun alternatives for those of you who don’t ride bikes 🙂
There will be some discussions/offerings/workshop type events in the morning, the bike ride with a surprise destination/happening in the afternoon, and some kind of group acknowledgment, wrap up – likely a heart circle at the end of the day. There will be lots of opportunity to dress up and take our proud selves out in public on our bikes!!
And in the works is the possibility of an evening event on the Friday night prior (May 17th) in honour of International Day Against Homophobia. We have programmed our event for the day after (May 18) and see it as a celebratory day for us and our communities. We are working on gaining an official affiliation with the Day Against Homophobia organization.
• We acknowledge that we are on unceded Coast Salish Territories and we’re hoping to have one of our offerings at this Queerposium be about decolonization and what it means for all of us.
• As a group we encourage inclusive, cross-community engagement with a ‘play while learning’ attitude.
• We’ve committed to functioning under the safer spaces guidelines which can be found on our website: https://queerposium.org/home/safer-spaces-guidelines/ – The most important of which are;
-to assume positive intent,
-to be aware of and respect your own boundaries and those of others,
-to be gentle with your reminders and ‘corrections’ and
-to participate in creating and maintaining an open and engaging environment.
• We are pro-accessibility: The space for the morning events is wheelchair accessible and we have someone on our crew that will be acting as a mobility point person to assist people in arranging transportation alternatives before hand, and providing assistance for other mobility issues that may arise on the day.
• Our meetings are held in accessible spaces with gender-neutral single use washrooms.
If you’d like to help out, but can’t come to the meetings consider pitching in by;
-Forwarding our information and our poster when it’s ready to your contact circles.
-Maybe you’d like to volunteer on the day, selling tickets, being a ‘Vibe Watcher’, or doing any number of other tasks that will undoubtedly come up.
-If you have a great idea then email it to us at: hello@queerposium.org
-If you are part of an organization that you think our audience would benefit from consider bringing your information materials to the event for our info table.
-If you think up some other way that you’d like to participate then drop us an email and let us know.
And there’s always future events…..
Maybe we’ll see you/ hear from you soon,